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Who Do You Say Jesus Is?

Sunday 09/23/2012 Sermon:  Who Do YOU Say Jesus Is?

Dear YT Friend,

I hope and pray that each of you personally answers Jesus' ultimate question about His identity.

We are all born blind spiritually. Only by God's gracious revelation, our eyes can recognize who Jesus is--the very Messiah promised in the Scriptures. If you cannot answer this question with conviction, please pray for God's revelation of His Son Jesus to you personally.

If you can answer this question like Peter without hesitation, thank God and renew your first love how God has revealed Jesus to you personally.

Jesus is building His Church on the rock of our apostolic confession of faith (New Testament): Jesus is the cornerstone, the foundation together with the prophets and the apostles (Eph 2:20, 1Cor 3:11).

Though a local church may look small and weak--unattractive and imperfect, a true Christian should participate in Jesus church building ministry as a living stone being added to the Living Stone to build God's kingdom-house (1Peter 2:4-12).



Love in the Lord,
