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Lord's Prayer Model (2/10)


Dear YT Friends,

While writing daily devotionals on the Sermon on the Mount, I realized one thing above all--the importance of prayer and practice or practicing prayer through the model of the Lord's Prayer.

John Stott believes that  this Lord's Prayer contains the profoundly satisfying Christian philosophy, which is essential to our Christian life and faith. I agree and I do not want you to miss the tremendous implications. Please recite/sing and meditate and practice each petition (first three regarding God's glory and second three regarding His grace to our every need) as a form to follow or a pattern to model.

Before entering your prayer room, remember to appreciate the awesome privilege we have as children of God--calling Almighty Sovereign God as "Our Father in Heaven!"

Also please remember and pray for our CMI International Summer Conference during 8/1-4 at the same Illinois beech hotel.

"Practice makes perfect" Ask, Seek, Knock.

